There are several great ways of setting yourself up to safely get information from Spirit Guides and Angels.
One thing I like to do is sit quietly, focusing on my breathing till I feel my body relaxing, and my mind slows down.
Then, you can give a signal to your Guides that you are ready for them. Here are a few ways to do this. Try and see which one works best for you.
-Visualize yourself turning on a light switch, and see the room light up
-See the work OPEN in your mind’s eye
-Say out loud “ I am open to receive”
-See a flower bud opening up, notice the sunlight beaming down, and the flower opens fully. I love using a lotus flower
-See a closed door, and see yourself opening the door all the way
Feel free to work with another symbol, you may find something that is different, but works perfectly for you and your guides.
After you’ve “opened” up, do your meditation, ask your question, journal.
When you’ve finished, it’s important to do 2 things.
- Give thanks – even if you don’t feel that you’ve gotten an answer yet, give thanks to your guides and Higher Self, for listening and being with you. They will answer you in perfect diving timing. You’ll realize that is true as you move forward. They will answer; it may just not be in the way you are expecting to get an answer.
- Close Down. It is so important not to walk around “opened up” all the time. Closing down properly protects you from unwanted negative spirit entities, unsolicited messages and psychic information you don’t need.
Here are a few ways to close;
-See the light switch, you turned on when you were opening up – turn it off, watch the room darken
-See the word “CLOSED” in your mind’s eye
-Say out loud “ I am complete, all Finished”
-See the open flower closing as the sun goes down
-See the door you opened – now close it.
That’s it! You’ve given the spirit world the signal, and they honor that! You have also protected yourself which is so important when opening up to your spiritual gifts.