Hello and Welcome to my site!

I am an Evidential Medium and Spiritual Intuitive.

I have been on a spiritual journey since I was a child. Often very intuitive, I often” just knew” things before they happened.

I was raised in a strict fear and guilt-based religion, and this had a huge impression on me.  For years I dimmed my intuitive gift in order to be better accepted by the people around me. This involved me adapting myself in order to please others and follow the direction and guidance of the older people in my life. For 25 years I struggled with conflicting beliefs around God and the universe, taking on others’ convictions and never trusting my own inner guidance. I allowed myself to be controlled by the people around me. But I never stopped searching for answers.

After a shock and big loss in my life, I began to meditate. In meditation, guidance and peace came into my life. I finally took full responsibility for myself, my fears, and my own personal spiritual growth. Everything changed for me!

I broke free,  allowing for the growth of my own connection with Source and the re-awakening of own intuition. Connecting to my spiritual team and clearing my own energetic and limiting beliefs has transformed my life. My psychic skills and ability to see and read energy came back, stronger than ever!

Soon after this I began to receive messages from friends and loved ones who had passed on from this life into spirit. These were loving and healing messages, and very informative. I was encouraged to study to become a medium so that I could share these messages with others.

I have been blessed to be able to be tutored and mentored by some of the best medium-teachers available.

I provide mediumship readings, intuitive guidance readings and more in order share the messages. These sessions are empowering and healing in nature.

My passion is to help others on their spiritual path!

My joy is to connect with your loved ones in spirit, and help you understand and awaken to your own spirit.

I regularly take classes to improve my skills and continue my own spiritual growth and expansion.

I have been lucky enough to take classes and study with the following teachers:

Lee VanZyl, South African Medium, owner-operator of the Montclair Metaphysical School in Rutherford, NJ

Mavis Pittilla, Spiritual Medium and Tutor from the UK

Martin Twycross, Spiritualist Medium and Teacher from the UK

Suzanne Geisemann, Evidential Medium, bestselling author, spiritual mentor and teacher

A note from Alissa about sessions and readings:

 I am passionate about personal growth, spiritual development and empowerment.

My intuitive and psychic abilities opened up when I took responsibility for my own spiritual growth. I believe we are all spiritual beings, and that we are all creators. No one knows what is right or best for us better than we know ourselves. Often, we have shut down our knowingness, and many of us have learned from an early age to distrust ourselves and look outside for answers.

All true answers lie within.

It’s just that sometimes we need help clearing and healing in order to get back in touch with that small still voice inside. This is where I can help. My aim is to guide you to make your own empowered choices and decisions.

I will never tell you what you should do. I can help by showing you the energy around different choices, and what likely outcomes will be. Depending on how open you are, I can also help by showing you what changes you can make in your own energy in order to bring about different outcomes. All readings are confidential.

My focus in my readings is to bring the highest possible level of compassion and understanding in order to assist the person seeking guidance.



( 484 ) 240-9015

“The best and most beautiful
things in the world cannot
be seen or touched. They
must be felt with the heart”

~ Helen Keller


LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The readings that I provide are for guidance only. What you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you, is based on your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, we must advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only. My services are not a substitute for professional services, and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.

This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about spiritual practices and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical or psychological advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. Updated March 2020

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