Animal signs is one of my personal favorite ways to get messages from Spirit. Sometimes Spirit Guides, Angels, and passed loved ones speak to us through an animal messenger.This can be a brightly colored bird, like a cardinal, swooping near, catching your eye. A red-tailed hawk or eagle sighting, or a bear running in front of your car.
My special message from Spirit is the Eastern Bluebird. This is not a common bird to see very often where we live. One time when I needed to know if a certain action on my part was needed in a situation, I asked Spirit to give me a sign, using a bluebird. If a bluebird showed up, I would know it was in my best good to take the action, no bluebird within a given time frame, and I would know that the action was not in my highest and best good. (I kinda didn’t want to take the action, and picked the blue bird as my sign since it was winter in the northeast , and we seldom, if ever, see them in the winter here).
Later that day, as I was driving home, an Eastern Bluebird flew out and landed on a branch directly in front of my car.
Message received!
Since then, over and over again, bluebirds have shown up for me at important moments, especially when I have a big decision to make. As I accepted bluebird as my special messenger, it comes to me in more and more ways.
A birthday card from a friend who knew nothing of my secret sign, with bluebirds on it.
Bluebirds showing up at the home we were considering buying (we bought the house).
Recently I was having a cup of coffee and talking to my guides, asking them for a message and complaining a little that they weren’t answering my questions fast enough. Just then, as I stood there with my cup of coffee, a bluebird flew by my window and landed on a storage trailer out in the yard. It landed and just stood right on the corner of the trailer for several minutes before flying off again.
This cheered me up, but I had no idea what it meant, except maybe that my guides were listening. Then, I went back and looked at the trailer. For the first time I noticed that the bird was standing right above some lettering. I read the words of the lettering for the very first time………….there was my answer…….in the words on the trailer under the bluebird. The exact thing I was asking about was answered!
Another way animals can show up is in our dreams. If you dream of an animal and are not sure what it could mean, you can check online. I like this website for finding animal meanings online.
Also don’t forget stuffed animals, animal prints, and pictures of animals. Spirit may draw your attention to any of these as a way of sending you a message.