It happens to most of us one time or another. You have a big opportunity or decision to make and it seems like a lot hinges on your choice. Having to make this decision brings up emotions, beliefs, thought patterns, and you can’t seem to get clarity to make a decision you feel great about. OK, so what can you do to get clarity quickly, and make your choice for your best good and be sure at the same time, it is the best choice you can make in your circumstances? Here are some practical things you can try.
- Get Grounded and Re-Set Your Energy.Take a few simple deep breaths, exhaling fully, with the intention of re-setting your energy. If you can, go outside if you and clear your head. When you are outside make an effort to connect to Nature by looking around you and noticing anything outside of yourself that is part of our natural world.
- Check in with your Body.Our bodies never lie to us, and are always talking to us in one way or another. An easy way to do this, is to think about this decision or choice you have to make, and take your attention into your body. What are you feeling? Where do you feel it? Does it feel heavy or light? In general, heavy usually means NO, and lightness mean YES.
- If you can, sleep on it.Lots of answers come for us when we dream. It is one way our subconscious mind gives us messages that can bypass our logical mind chatter. Before you go to bed, direct your question, out loud, to your subconscious mind and ask for a knowing, or an answer that you feel absolutely sure of. I did this one time when I was considering moving forward on a home purchase (I loved the house and property). All night long I dreamed of moving into the home and kept waking up feeling so heavy and sad. By morning, it was extremely clear to me that I wouldn’t be happy there. I told my husband I didn’t want to make an offer. I still loved the place, but just knew without a doubt it was not for us. I never regretted the choice, and indeed found a much more suitable place some months later.
- Never make the decision from a space of needing to please someone else.No one else knows what is right for us, better than we know for ourselves. They may think they do, and they may try to convince you. Please ask yourself if you are doing this because someone else wants you to, or expects you to. It is so important not to make a decision until you are sure you are the one making the choice, and that is it right for you and who you are.
- You Can’t Control the Outcome.You can control your own choice and decisions, but not how it all pans out. Big choices usually bring up big expectations and you can get all tied up in the outcome. The important thing is your choice. We are all born with free will and free choice, and it’s to our benefit and expansion to practice! Remember, you can always make another choice (if not in this lifetime, then in the next). Try to let go of expectation of outcome when you are making the decision. This really helps.
One last word, the more you practice following your intuitive hits in the little, day to day, choices in life, the more and stronger it will be for you when you have major decisions to make.