

Today I am going to share a very personal experience on my spiritual journey. This is article is longer than most of my blog posts, and it’s not been an easy decision to share this. However, I do share it in the hope that doing so will help others in similar...
8 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration Quickly

8 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration Quickly

Anytime you find yourself in a rotten mood, or negative space, for whatever reason, you can make the choice to change that. Here are some of my personal favorite ways to handle my “bad moods”. Go outside for 5 minutes or more Nature is the best healer we have access...
444 and Angels

444 and Angels

This morning I looked at my phone and the screen was black, and in white were the numbers 444. This was weird since I was not using the phone, hadn’t touched it since I had put it on to charge about 30 minutes earlier. I grabbed it to look again, and the numbers...
Spiritual Grounding – What it is and How to do it

Spiritual Grounding – What it is and How to do it

What is Grounding? Grounding is a term used by many spiritual mentors. It means centering your energy in your body and being present in the moment. Grounding your energy actually helps with spiritual development, meditation, and getting in touch with higher guidance....